guard your heart

The Bible says a great deal about the heart, using the term around 830 times. However, the brain is not mentioned once. Perhaps we do too much thinking and need to do more following, not necessarily of our hearts, but of the One who holds (or should) our hearts.

The mouth speaks what the heart is full of. So, what comes out of your mouth tends to be in direct relationship to what’s in your heart. Yikes! In fact, the Bible says that our faces reflect if our heart is happy! And a heart of peace gives life to our bodies! What this tells me is if we want to look more youthful and have that nice glow on our faces, we might need to do some heart makeovers.

Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

So what does it look like to guard your heart? I get asked this question a lot and it’s a tough one to put into words. Personally, I can be close to people, listen, pray for others, be a good friend, raise my children, love my husband, serve my family, BUT none of them can actually protect my whole heart. They are all human and cannot take care of it the way that Jesus can and does. So, even though I love others, and love them well, only the one who knows me better than myself holds my heart and has all of it.

I’m all about the heart and the condition of it. Everyone can do and say things they regret, or cause hurt or anger, but it’s easier to give grace when you know the condition of their heart.

There are many verses in the Bible that say we are to search our own hearts and that the Lord searches to and fro looking for hearts that are fully committed to Him. My prayer is that my heart will always be pure and fully devoted to the Lord.

And my prayer for you is that Jesus will have your whole heart. He doesn’t want just a portion, but the entire thing because it belongs to Him, the one who created and made your heart and you! And He is the best caretaker of hearts!


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