i’m not done yet.

I have heard women say, “I’m done!” and I know exactly what they mean! I have been “done” several times in my life. Many times it’s associated with tiredness, being overwhelmed, having spent more time on something (or with someone) than you would like or have planned, feeling like there is no progress, having a feeling of hopefulness only to be disappointed. . . .ok, now I’m just venting!. Anyone else been there?

The definition of “being done” is that it is no longer happening; finished; come to completion. But when women say, “I’m done!” most of the time that means that she just can’t go on; can’t continue. She is spent.

For Christmas, I got a new coffee cup and I LOVE it! I don’t need another coffee cup, in fact, I honestly don’t have room in my kitchen cabinets for another one. You know it’s bad when a dish falls out of your cabinet, breaks, and your husband says, “Yay! Now we have a little more room.” But, I am a sucker for coffee cups just to be completely honest with you.

However, this coffee cup just might be my new all time favorite. It says, “I’M NOT DONE YET -GOD” Let that soak in for a minute. God never has the feeling of “I’m done!” And I am so grateful! He never tires, He does not get overwhelmed, He wants to spend all of the time with us; even when we feel like we have disappointed Him. . .He still pursues us!

Isaiah 30:18 tells us that the LORD waits to be gracious to you, to show mercy to you. He gives us time to repent so that He can show us His mercy.

So the next time you find yourself saying, “I’M DONE!” remember that God says, “I”M NOT!”


your voice is the loudest.