your voice is the loudest.
My passion in life is to be sure women know they have value and worth. In fact, I can get worked up sometimes when I see a woman who doesn’t know the value she has. If only we could fully understand the love that Jesus has for us, how He defines and describes us, it would forever change lives. I believe we would see women not only respect themselves more, but they would also treat one another with such overwhelming love and grace.
I think it is really brave when women stick up for one another. They use their voice to offer protection. But, the loudest voice is yours. No one can stick up for you better than, well, You! God has given you a voice and when we don’t require others to treat us the way God describes us, are we contradicting God’s word?
Women, I believe it begins by celebrating one another. Jealousy, comparison only turns to bitterness and hatred not only for others but ultimately yourself. If we fully understand how much our lives are worth and that we are original, when another “sister” shines we let her walk in that light fully. When our eyes are others and making sure they are seen, our outlook begins to change.
So how do we practically do this with the enemy prowling around like a roaring lion waiting to devour not only us but our friendships and families? I believe we have to get to the root of the issue. It all comes down to self-confidence and where your self-confidence is being found. NOTHING . . .want to be sure you hear that. . . NOTHING will sustain you like the love of Jesus. If your self-confidence and security is placed in others, your work, your spouse, your friends, your children, your possessions, your finances, your home, your car. . . should I go on??? ALL of these things will let you down and cause waves of self-doubt and unsustainable confidence.
I’m sure we have all seen it. A woman who perhaps talks about others, treats others poorly, throws others under the bus, (again, should I go on?) and I often wonder, “Why? Why does she act this way?” And the answer is almost ALWAYS that she doesn’t know how valuable she is. Jesus loves you just because He made you and created you. You are His.
Okay, I’m getting a little worked up over here. Bottom line: do a self check right now at this moment. Where are you placing your confidence, your value and worth? Who or what is defining you?
And then let me share just a little bit of truth about YOU. Ephesians 2:10, You are a masterpiece! Psalm 139, You are wonderfully made! Romans 8:17, You are God’s heir!
Now, if that doesn’t make you walk with your head held a little higher, I’m not sure what will. And tell another “sister” the truth about her as well. It’s amazing how it tears walls down, removes scales from eyes, and softens hearts!