projectile moodiness
I was innocently walking, minding my own business, when all of a sudden I got smacked. It came out of nowhere. No one could have seen it coming. Not even a warning shot. I got hit square by moodiness. But not just moodiness, it was projectile. . . Which is obviously the worst kind! It would be like if someone took their awful bad day, rolled it into a tight ball, and hit you upside the head with it. Or like that movie where the guy shoves his hand in the other guy’s chest and rips his beating heart right out. Yeah, it’s kind of like that.
All of us have fallen victim of this crime and we probably have also been the perpetrator. So here is my public service announcement, “keep all of your moodiness to yourself, and carry a vomit bag with you if you need to release it” (or at least some tennis shoes so you can walk it off. I have also heard Ben and Jerry can be helpful in these situations)
Why do we take our moodiness out on others? I have heard that “hurt people hurt people” and how true that is. Walked it. Lived it. Working on the autobiography about it. But this concept of people projecting moodiness is new to me.
If you’re a daughter you know what I’m talking about. If you’re a mom, you know what I’m talking about. If you have a job, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re married, you know what I’m talking about. Been to a restaurant, gone shopping, Disney World. It’s there. Basically, if you live on this earth, you know what I’m talking about.
So what do we do when moodiness gets projected upon us? We do as Daniel Tiger tells us, “take a deep breath and count to four. . . . One. Two. Three. Four.” And then we go about our day. I also tend to play one of my favorite songs of all times, GroupOne Crew “roll off your back”. (those that did ministry alongside me with I.D. Ministries know this song!) It works Every. Single. Time. I have sang this with friends, my daughters, girls I have discipled over the years, and for myself as well!
We also can pray for those that are projecting. The Bible tells us to pray for our enemies (and those that hurt us, are mean, moody, and salty). Finally, Jesus asks ys to turn the other cheek. Repay projectile moodiness with kindness? Come on, Jesus! But guess what? It does something to our own heart and soul and mind. And it helps us to offer grace to them. That same grace that Jesus extends to us, even when WE projectile moodiness on Him.