say your name.
I was recently at my daughter’s all day pom competition. Did you hear me say, “all day?” We arrived around 1:30pm and I believe left around 8:30. There were about 700 girls competing and about 175 of them were senior girls. The reason I know this number is because right before the awards ceremony, all of the seniors stood in a straight line at the front facing the crowd. Each girl said their name as the microphone was quickly being passed down the line. I looked around the room wondering if anyone else was concerned about germs and the fact that 175 girls were all breathing and speaking into the same microphone! Guess not.
And just like that, they were finished. They said their name, everyone did a quick “whooo” and then it was the next girl’s turn to say their name. One by one as they quickly passed the microphone down the line, like a game of hot potato. And then the lady in charge said, “thank you, you lovely humans, now take a seat.”
All of this got me thinking. How quickly each girl said her name, in a blink of an eye, is like our lives here on earth. It’s like a snap of the fingers, and our time here on earth is over. Ok, that’s kind of depressing. But, even though our time may be short, it doesn’t go unnoticed. Especially to our God.
But, before it’s time for us lovely humans to take a seat, we have a name with purpose and God knows our name. Revelations tells us that He has a new name for us, almost like a nickname. And that He is the only one who knows it now and you, as the receiver, are the only one who will know it then. And it’s custom to YOU. Isn’t it amazing how personable our God truly is! Your name has meaning. And you have purpose! So don’t sit down yet!
When my husband and I were praying about what name we would call our daughters, we looked at the meaning of different names. Our oldest means, “free and triumphant” and our youngest means, “Joy to the Lord”. Her name also means, “woman born to rule” which is probably why she is our last child. But I loved the meaning of their names and it sealed the decision on what to name them.
So, the next time you introduce yourself and say your name remember that your name does have meaning and purpose. And, it is also temporary. A new name is coming!
But there are some names that never change: the name of Jesus and how He describes you. You are a Masterpiece, God’s workmanship, a daughter of the King, heir to the throne. . . . and the list goes on. People might change, circumstances might change, things around you might change but the name and nature of Jesus NEVER changes. He is constant, consistent, and He is faithful.
Revelation 2:17, “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.”