
I’m not a bug person. I do however love the outdoors. . .preferably 75 degrees, no wind, and the sun is shining. And I definitely don’t like bugs! I tend to scream, screech, and run away from flying insects. This is also the case with butterflies. (keep your comments to yourself)

Just this last week, a butterfly landed on my dear friend’s head. I, of course, started my sentence with, “okay, I need you to stay calm. . .” But this little butterfly had been through it. I couldn’t help but notice her wings. They were tattered and torn. She reminded me of myself when my alarm goes off at 5:30am to let me know it’s time to begin my day. Otherwise, this butterfly was looking rough! I found myself feeling sorry for this creature and wondering what her story was. How did her wings get so mangled? The most amazing thing about her is that she could still fly, and fly really well. In spite of what her wings looked like and how “rough” she looked, she was flying and some might say, soaring.

Tattered is defined as, “in poor condition or broken down.” Isn’t life like this sometimes? It can be hard with many challenges, trials, tragedies, and sorrow. For many of us, we are tattered. Some of us are showing the tattered-ness of our heart and soul on the outside, but for most, we keep our tattered-ness to ourselves. We hold it in, try to persevere and stay strong, which can sometimes then lead to loneliness, bitterness, and even depression. Our enemy (Satan) loves to isolate us when we are broken and tattered. But, God has more for us.

I want to encourage you. You might feel tattered at this moment. But, through Jesus and His strength, power, healing, and comfort; You. Can. Still. Fly. . .even soar! Turn to the one who knows what you are going through, struggling with, and what’s causing you hurt. Talk to Him. Be honest. He can, will, and wants to bring healing and renewing to your heart and soul.


i will rise


the thread of confidence