mashed potatoes of joy.

Kindness. It’s a word that I’m very passionate about, and I believe that if we could all treat people with the same loving kindness Jesus shows us, the world would be on its way to being restored. In the meantime, what do we do with this day that is before us?

Has anyone ever showed you such unexpected kindness that you almost had a feeling of overwhelmingness? Thoughts of, “why were they so kind?” or “How can I ever repay them?” but the truth is the person that shows kindness doesn’t expect anything in return. The joy is in the giver of the kindness yet joy is received on the other end as well. 

I recently had some gum grafting done and I couldn’t eat anything. I was living on yogurt and protein shakes and I was starving! I even had a “feel sorry for myself” tear or two wondering if I would ever be able to eat again. And then something magical happened. Something that I didn’t ask for, I wasn’t looking for, something that I didn’t even know I wanted or needed or knew I could have. An amazing women heard about my situation and she brought me mashed potatoes! I literally cried tears of joy as I ate those mashed potatoes. I don’t really even like mashed potatoes, yet, they have never tasted so good! (this might seem dramatic but trust me, it was true joy).

Kindness is something that we all need. You might not know you need it, you might not be looking for it, or planning on giving it. But, once it’s received or given, it can even bring tears of joy. . .. just like my mashed potatoes! 

There are many verses in the bible about kindness but Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” And Psalms 145:8, “You’re kind and tenderhearted to those who don’t deserve it and very patient with people who fail you” are two of my favorites! 

So, today, look for opportunities to go out of your way to be kind. I promise, you will not regret it. It truly is the best makeover I have ever received!  Kindness has a way of bringing out the beauty in others. 

Share your kindness stories! They have a way of inspiring, encouraging, and lifting the spirits of others. And your story might give someone else an idea on how they can be kind (especially if it doesn’t come naturally) 


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far from perfect